Firstly the good news – This Saturday, July 27, we are holding our family fun day in Derry’s Brooke Park.

The best news? You’re invited!

We have a whole list of entertainment lined up, from bouncy castles to a free barbecue, arts and crafts, In Your Space Circus, Songs Without Borders and more.

The family day out will run from 1pm to 4pm and even if the weather lets us down, we are prepared. Our marquee and gazebos will be up to thwart any unwanted showers that might materialise.

So, again:

When: This Saturday, July 27

Where: Brooke Park, Derry

Time: 1pm to 4pm

Pre-registration is not required. All you have to do is bring a smile. We’ll see you on Saturday!!

Community Resources and Services to combat suicide released

Dear Community member,


Following a number of recent suspected suicides in South Belfast, I am reaching out to share the following community resources and services, collated by my colleague Emily, FSP Strategic Health Officer.


  • ComKit is an online platform to help support communities following a sudden death that is a suspected suicide, with guidance on the importance of using safe language, social media, memorials, and public gatherings within the community. Find out more at:

Please see attached ComKit Infographic


  • Lifeline If you are in distress or crisis, or you know someone who is, you can talk to one of Lifeline’s qualified counsellors for free, 24/7.

Call Lifeline on 0808 808 8000. Learn more at

#MentalHealth #Lifeline



  • Bereaved By Suicide Support Groups in Belfast facilitated by Extern. Please see attached infographics on further information.


  • Papyrus Apps To Support Your Wellbeing please click here to access the resources and Communicating With Young People please click here to access the resource.


  • Protect Life 2 Suicide Prevention and Bereavement Service Leaflet: This leaflet provide information on suicide prevention and support services that are available across the city. Please see attached.


  • Inspire Advocacy For All Service: The Inspire Advocacy For All Service helps to find support that if anyone needs it . Please click here to find out further information.


  • Belfast Recovery College have a range programme that people can sign up to such as Living with Anxiety, Understanding Substance Misuse, Money Management etc. Anyone can register and sign up. Please click here for further information.


  • Please see attached Community of Interest Training and Learning Opportunities July – August 2024